Ryan's Lionheads

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Ayers "Nala" Screen Shot: Project BOB
Nala was our first lionhead, purchased from Sandy Ayers.  She is a black double mane doe, who has an awsome body and very nice mane.
Angel's "Dark Sonic"

"Dark Sonic" is a double mane dark Siamese Sable buck, he was purchaced from Angel Ferguson at the 2004 Lionhead Nationals in Columbus Ohio.   His lines go back to Cimmaron "Mulder" and Prideland's "Tia" 

PJ's Bunnies "PJ"
"PJ" is in need of a new picture, she has really grown a very nice full mane.  "PJ" come to us from Amy Whitmore of New Jersey.  During the 2004 Lionhead Nationals "PJ" placed 2nd her group.

Rabbit Habit "Zeus"
"Zeus" is a very nice bunny, he's a little bigger then he should be but has a very nice body and mane.  We look forward to using "Zeus" in our breeding program.
Statler "Boots"

We will have a picture of "Boots" soon.  "Boots" came to us from Joan Statler, and has produced some very nice babies for us.

Ayer's "Harley"
Picture coming soon!  "Harley" is a tort double mane buck that comes to us from Sandy Ayers.  He has an awsome mane, and we felt he would be a great asset to our tort breeding program.
Rock'n 2 Glory "Haley"
"Haley", a little tort double mane doe, just came to us from Jill Gannon and Donna Rock, her daddy is "Oasis" and can be seen on the Rock'n 2 Glory web page.
"Cookies & Cream" Glory

Picture coming soon.  "Cookies & Cream" is a double mane broken black buck, he has an awsome thick mane and we love his markings